Camping Price List 2024

Price List Season 2024

Dear guests and nature enthusiasts,

We are pleased to inform you that our campsite is working hard to offer you an even better experience in 2024. At this moment, we are fine-tuning our price list for the upcoming season, aiming to provide the best combination of comfort, services, and affordable rates.

We are confident that you will appreciate the changes and improvements we are making. Unfortunately, the price list for 2024 is not yet ready, but don't worry: it will be soon available on this page. Keep following us for all the updates, rates, and special offers we have in store for you.

Thank you for your patience and ongoing support. We look forward to welcoming you in 2024 for another season of outdoor fun and relaxation.

Stay with us for all the latest news!

Calacavallo S.p.a.

Loc. Capo Coda Cavallo - 07052 San Teodoro (SS) - Sardegna (Registered Office)

Phone +39 0784.834156
Phone +39 0784.834163


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