Camping Rules for Calacavallo Campsite

Camping Calacavallo Regulations

  1. Upon arrival, guests must register by submitting documents to obtain authorization to enter the village.
  2. Upon registration, a recognition bracelet will be given to the guests to wear for the entire duration of their stay, as well as a parking pass.
  3. Guests must be informed of the reception and cash opening hours, gate opening times, and the services offered by the village.
  4. The fee is calculated on a daily basis, regardless of the check-in time.
  5. Each guest is required to pay upon arrival at the village. In case of cancellation, the deposit paid will not be refunded. If the cancellation occurs 15 days before the arrival date, a penalty of 50% of the stay's amount net of the deposit paid must be paid. A guest who cancels a stay that has already begun will not be entitled to any refund and will still be required to pay the total amount of the stay. The reserved accommodation will be held available for no more than 1 day from the arrival date.
  6. The villas and caravans are delivered from 4:00 pm and must be returned no later than 10:00 am - the pitches by 10:00 am.
  7. The allocation of different types of accommodation and boat mooring is at the discretion of the management.
  8. Each pitch can accommodate a maximum of 5 people, and only one crew can stay on one pitch.
  9. Silence hours: 12:00 am/7:00 am - 2:00 pm/4:00 pm.
  10. Access to the campsite is not allowed before 8:00 am.
  11. Cars are not allowed to circulate within the village.
  12. Sports facilities: pool, tennis, football: hours posted in reception.
  13. Only the use of a constantly supervised gas barbecue is allowed, except on windy days.
  14. Parents must accompany their children to the playground and toilets.
  15. The management is not responsible for any damages or thefts. Deposits can be made at the management office.
  16. Non-compliance with the regulations will result in immediate removal as an unwanted person.

Calacavallo S.p.a.

Loc. Capo Coda Cavallo - 07052 San Teodoro (SS) - Sardegna (Registered Office)

Phone +39 0784.834156
Phone +39 0784.834163


P.Iva IT00656250917
C.F: 00656250917

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